What If My Car Accident Was Caused by Drowsy Driving?

If you’ve been in a car accident, there are several things to think about. You should consider who was at fault for the accident and whether or not anyone was injured. But what about drowsy driving? Could it be an issue that needs to be brought up during the process of filing a claim against your insurance company?

While some people may assume that all drowsy driving accidents are caused by someone falling asleep at the wheel, this is not exactly true. In fact, many drowsy drivers have no idea they’re falling asleep until after they’ve crashed into another vehicle or even fallen asleep while on their feet. So, if you’ve been involved in a car accident and believe that your drowsiness played a role in causing it, here’s what you need to know:

What is Drowsy Driving?

Drowsy driving is when you have trouble keeping your eyes open or if you feel like you are nodding off while driving. This can happen if you are tired and have not gotten enough sleep the night before, or if there’s been a long period of time since your last good night’s rest.

A person who has drowsiness may experience:

• Difficulty staying awake behind the wheel

• Nodding off at the wheel

Risk Factors of Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is a serious problem that can have devastating consequences. It’s estimated that 15 percent of all fatal car accidents are caused by drowsy driving, and it’s thought to be responsible for over 1 million crashes annually in the United States alone. Fatigue is the most common cause of drowsy driving, but there are also other factors contributing to this issue:

• Prescription drugs (including sleep aids)
• Alcohol consumption
• Caffeine use

Characteristics of Drowsy Driving Accidents

Drowsy driving accidents are more likely to occur at night and involve young drivers. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, drowsy driving incidents were most common between midnight and 4:00 am. In fact, almost half of all drowsy driving accidents occurred between midnight and 6:00 am. Drowsy driving accidents also tend to happen during peak travel times for morning commuters as well as evening rush hour drivers.

Warning Signs and Ways to Prevent Drowsy Driving

If you suspect that you were drowsy while driving, here are some warning signs to look for:

• Tiredness or getting ready to fall asleep at the wheel.
• Slurred speech and vision problems (like blurred vision).
• Difficulty concentrating on what’s happening around you.

Here are ways to prevent drowsy driving:

The way to make a case for drowsy driving is to show that the driver had one or more symptoms that can indicate drowsy driving. Drowsy driving is a serious issue and it’s very dangerous. It can lead to accidents, injuries and even death. That’s why it’s important that you understand what drowsy driving actually is so that you can take steps to prevent yourself from getting into an accident while behind the wheel.

Remember that it’s important to have a good car accident lawyer in Belleville on your side if you’re involved in a drowsy driving case. A qualified attorney will take the time to get all of your evidence together and present it in an organized fashion so that they can figure out if there’s enough evidence for you to win compensation.