How To Get The Best Personal Injury Settlement

Know how to create a strategy for getting the highest personal injury settlement possible. It’s vital once your personal injury case or claim gets going.

Know the Settlement Amount Beforehand

You need to know what your personal injury settlement is worth. More importantly, you need to know your personal injury settlement’s range. You’re going to be sending the defendant’s insurance company a demand letter;therefore, you need to know what amount in the range you’re going to be asking for in that letter.Just keep in mind that the initial amount you’re going to be asking for in your first demand letter is adjustable. You’re always free to adjust it up or down as you feel fit.

Never Settle for the First Offer

If you perceive that the first offer from the defendant’s insurance company is ridiculously low, there’s a reason for this. The insurance company is trying to lowball you. The adjuster is hoping you’ll take the lowest amount possible as a settlement. He or she knows that you generally can’t ask for another amount (even if you really need the money) once you have accepted a settlement.

What you should do is make a counter offer where you tell the adjuster that you’ll accept the settlement for a much higher amount. Additionally, make sure to ask the adjuster why he or she offered you such a low amount initially.

Be sure to document the answers the adjuster gives you. You may have to lower the amount you have asked for, depending on the reasons the adjuster gives you, but first wait to see if the adjuster will accept your higher offer.

Emphasize Emotional Points that Help You

You want to send any photos or videos of evidence that shows that the defendant was driving under the influence. It’s an emotional point that will help your case. Similarly, if you send the insurance adjuster photos of your injuries, this would also be an emotional point. Believe it or not, this type of evidence will help your case because it shows that you have suffered bodily injuries, property damage, or pain and suffering from your accident.

Wait for a response

Never reduce your subsequent demands until and unless you have heard from the insurance adjuster. If the adjuster gives you a low offer, be sure to get his or her reasons for it. Be sure to review each of these reasons with your lawyer. Then, either refute the offer, or have your lawyer put pressure on the insurance company to offer a higher amount.

Know When You Need to Involve Your Attorney

You’ll need to involve your personal injury lawyer in London when one or more of the following conditions apply:

Your demand amount is more than a few thousand dollars. The insurance adjuster probably won’t take you seriously if you’re demanding $20,000 in settlement money.

You want future damages. You may be seeking damages for lost future wages because of a long-term illness or disability that stems from your personal injury accident. These tend to be complex, so you’ll need help from a legal professional. It’s unclear as to who was at fault. You’ll definitely need to hire an attorney if you can’t easily establish who was at fault.