Documents To Be Submitted By Plaintiff In Personal Injury Case

The required documents reflect the nature of the accident, the extent to which the plaintiff has been injured, and the existence of any claims about damage to an item that had been part of the plaintiff’s property.

Documents that should prove of greatest use to claimant or plaintiff

• Police report: An accident reconstruction specialist might use this particular document.
• Witness’ statements: These could say what was seen or heard by a given witness. Alternately, a statement might be about someone that was involved in the accident.
• Victim’s statement: One taken in the presence of an attorney
• Defendant’s statement: One shared with a Personal Injury Lawyer in London
• Estimate for repairs to damaged vehicle, or proof of cost for replacement of stolen property
• Medical records from all phases of the recovery period
• Bills from doctors or bills for laboratory work
• Details on any violation, such as a traffic ticket
• Inspection records: Could prove important, if an injured visitor or guest has sued owner of premises.
• Video or photographs

Documents that might be introduced during discovery session

• Papers with findings of a private investigator
• Service history for damaged vehicle, or for vehicle driven by party that has allegedly caused accident.
• Photographs taken at the scene of the accident; that could include photos of tire marks
• Recordings of 911 dispatch calls: These could reveal the emotions experienced by the callers.
• Evidence from any sound detection devices in area of accident
• The plaintiff’s W2 forms: Used to prove loss of wages

Documents that might be introduced during a trial

• Signed statement from a witness
• Results from interrogatories (taken during discovery session)
• Copies of email messages
• Papers shared by an expert witness
• Documented statements from a social networking site; photos from a similar location
• Newly discovered, or newly reviewed videotapes

What document could not be added to the other evidence during the trial?

That would be the police report. The judge would classify that reported information as hearsay. Any notes taken during a conversation with a witness could not be used, unless the interviewed witness had signed those same notes. Any copy of a document, if the original document was available.

What sort of document might be of significance at an appeal hearing?

At that time, the party making the appeal would need to show that some aspect of the trial had not followed the rules for trial proceedings. Evidence for that fact could come from the statements that the court stenographer had recorded.

If either side had kept certain evidence hidden during the trial, then that same evidence might be presented at an appeal hearing.If a poor investigation had somehow resulted in failure to discover a certain piece of evidence, then that same evidence might be introduced at an appeal hearing.